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Hi, my name is Erin Attwell, I am 18 years old and my goal is to make it to the top of the sport of cycling. I have the most amazing support from all of my family and friends, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without them!
Its crazy to think that I have only been competing in the sport for 3 years now. I started being coached by Lister Farrar who is the head coach of Tripleshot Cycling's very own youth team.
I am part of the Cycling NextGen program as a targeted athlete in the sport, and I am very proud to be apart of this elite group of athletes, coached by Jeff Ain. I am in my second year at the  Canadian Sport school Victoria, a program where high performance athletes can attend half day at their school and half a day at the PISE CSI campus where we work on strength and conditioning, gymnastics, mobility, and sprint training. we also spend time in the class room with speakers who present seminars in a particular area related to high performance sport. It is such an unbelievable program and has definitely helped me manage sport and school life, plus I am surrounded by other high performance teenage athletes in a multi sport environment where I can be supported by my peers who have the same goals as me. Pretty cool huh?

I have so much excitement and motivation towards this sport and can't wait to pursue it as a career. I want to be able to motivate others like myself to join the sport and just have fun!

This past year I had the privilege represent Canada at the UCI Junior Track World Championships in Aigle, Switzerland and the UCI Junior Road and Time Trial World Championships in Doha, Qatar.

I cant wait to see everyone out on the road and track rippin it up! I look forward to meeting new competitors and making new friends along the way! Happy riding everyone :)

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Proud member of the Tripleshot Cycling Club and Team BC High Performance Cycling Team.



Tel: 778-677-3357


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