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California Training camp with WTE NextGen

Hi everyone! just wanting to update you all on how trainings going during the off season. I am currently down in San Diego, California with WTE NextGen program (womens track endurance) I was one of the lucky Junior girls selected to attend them down here.

We are currently here just to get some base miles in, we will de doing anywhere from 3-5 hours of riding everyday; hunting down some pretty sweet climbs. Today was our first official ride with everyone (Georgia and Devoney arrived to late on arrival day to ride) and it absolutly poured! it was nice and sunny when we left and with in about 30 min of departure the rain hit. luckily we had all packed some layers in the van but really it wasnt enough to keep us warm. all together I think it was a good ride, everyones spirits were high; especially when we turned around to head home! we arrived back soaked, I was very glad to have found that my phone could still switch on as I did not water proof it. oops. we quickly got showered and had something to eat, gotta get in those nutritional gains!

I am very excited for the next 7-8 days here in California, I hope the weather gets a bit better but for the most part I am feeling super lucky to have gotten the oppourtunity to be here and to be able to ride with some pretty accomplished riders. Ill keep Y'all updated as much as I can.

Oh and did I mention the house ;).....ya its HUGE. it has a total of 13 bedrooms, a pool and hotub, a turf putting green and bastketball hoop, and a bout 5 huge fireplaces. Its pretty amazing <3

Its been a few days since my last update, sorry. anywho we have had some pretty seriously cool ride here in California. we have been leaving the house at 9am every morning for our rides which have been increasing in length everyday. Yesterday myself and the other 4 junior girls did 4.5 hours while the older elite girls went on to do about 5.5 hours. The weather has been absolutly out standing, besides the first day where we hade torrenchal down pour. we are all a little shattere at this point, but luckily we have a rest day scheduled into our plan today. I think the plan will be to explore a little, check out the local coffee shops. cause how else would you want to spend your day? ;) we have not only been having fun on the bike as a a group but also off the bike, last night we had a pizza night. and with the hard work from everyone I would say it was a "great success". Georgia made ome made pesto which was amazing, I made home made pizza dough which could have gone a little better but it turned out delish in the end. and everyone who cut, grated, fried, grilled, baked, and cleaned because it would not have been able to come together the way it did without everyones joined contribution.

Ill keep y'all update as much as possible :) Cheers.

What an incredible experiance! I had such a fantastic time training and getting to know such accomplished cyclists. I learned a ton from riding ediquite to recovery and nutrition. I cant wait for future camps with all these girls.

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